Project Discovery

Maximize NOI & Improve Building Operations

Uncover the highest return investments in CRE

Project Discovery identifies HVAC & lighting projects that reduce tenant expenses and increase NOI. We deliver actionable projects tied directly to your financial goals.

High-return projects

Achieve a 60% average return on cost with projects that optimize your building’s operations, reduce utility and R&M costs, and enhance tenant satisfaction.

Ready to execute bids

Our engineers get bids from your preferred contractors. We handle the heavy lifting—your only job is to approve projects and grow your bottom line.

Underwriteable financials

Use our industry-leading savings projections and contractor-verified costs to make informed decisions.

Backed by our experience in over 2,000 buildings, every project provides a clear, measurable impact on your bottom line.

Projects your teams want

Each project is custom-fitted to your building’s operational needs. Our mechanical engineers work closely with your building operators and contractors to develop projects your teams want.

See how this worked at buildings like yours